Have Confidence In Your Septic Tank Inspector,
Choose the Experts of ProSept.

Having your Home inspected is a wise thing to do but then having the Home Inspector look into your septic system is not. Septic Inspections require specialized training and expertise. Whether you’re buying or selling a home or just haven’t had your septic system inspected for a while, it’s a necessary task that helps you feel confident about the status of your system. Like a car, periodic inspections need to be done to maintain and keep it in good working order so be sure your using the right inspector.

When having an inspection done you want the most complete and accurate information you can get. Not just someone’s guess or loose understanding, and you want that information from someone who’s qualified to assess the system.

ProSept offers only licensed and certified septic system inspection teams with over 19 years of knowledge and experience equipped specifically for the job. Have the confidence of knowing what you’re getting before you make a financial commitment.

With All ProSept Inspections You Will:


  • Know The Current Condition Of The System
  • Avoid Costly Oversights
  • Feel Comfortable About Your Future System

Prosept has been  serving  the north Texas area since 2000. Providing The only National standard (NAWT) septic inspections. Our inspections are a Functional Inspection and all of the tests and checks conducted fall into one of three catagories.

Functional Inspections Cover:


Flow Collection, Treatment of Waste, Protection of Public Health

A sample of the items inspected are:

  • Permit Review
  • Check Flow Out From Home, Determine Congruency
  • Locate Lines, Tanks, And Drain Field
  • Inspect Tanks For Integrity Of Structure And Function
  • Determine Drain Field Area, Type And Visible Functionality
  • Findings Are Presented In A Concise Report To The Client.

Septic System Overview


All septic systems are designed to do two things, contain water in a specific place and to detain water for a specific length of time. Once wastewater leaves the house and before it enters into the drain field it should remain in the tanks for at least 36hrs. This allows for settling of the solids in the waste water and separation into three levels. The heavier “Slug” layer at the bottom, the lighter floating “Scum” layer at the top and the “clear” area of effluent in the middle. It is the “clear” water that travels through the system and eventually into the soil and nearby water table. The solids remain trapped in the tanks and accumulate over time. These solids needs to be pumped out on a regular schedule. Every 3-5 years is a good rule of thumb for pumping but because of water usage differences between families, that factor should be taken in consideration for determining if pumping should be more frequent.

The Inspection Process


It begins with locating all parts of the system. We will locate the lids to the tanks and the openings to them. We will open the tanks up and have the home owners run water into the system from a tub for a short time and observe how the system reacts to being pressured. The system will then be pumped out and the interior of the tank and all working parts will be examined. Next probing of the drain field to determine size and current condition and looking for signs of failure in the field. A simple site survey for any other issues that might present a concern for the system is conducted. All information is gathered into a report that will be delivered to the client on completion of inspection.

We encourage all customers to be available for the inspections so the report can be presented in person and they have the opportunity to have any questions and answered.

Conventional System

Aerobic System

Contact Us Today!

For more information, or to set an appointment to check a property call anytime!


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